Why Most Women End Up Dating Bad Guys

Have you ever wondered why most of the women end up dating with bad guys even when they tell everyone else that they want to fall in love with a nice guy? Strange, isn’t it? Yes, according to a recent study, it has come to light that women prefer stepping into relationships with bad guys more often. But, this is never without reasons. That most of the women are attracted towards bad guys has a number of reasons.

Let us have a look at some of the key reasons as to why bad guys are more attractive to women compared to nice guys.

Bad Guys Keep Things Real
Well, the first reason that can attract women towards bad guys is that they tend to keep things real. On the other hand, nice guys always want to things nicely without upsetting or disturbing anything or anyone. After all, women are looking for romantic love partners and not saints (read too nice guys).

Bad Guys Can’t Be Entirely Controlled
Women would like to date bad guys because the latter can’t be completely controlled. And this is the reason that women start respecting bad guys. They don’t usually like or respect guys that they can easily control.

Bad Guys Are Unpredictable
Today’s hectic work schedule has made life boring for a lot of people. When women are already living a boring life, they wouldn’t want to date a guy who also lives a predictable life. So, nice guys won’t always attract many women. On the other hand, bad guys who are unpredictable will attract the most attention from women looking for dating partners.

Nice Guys Want Commitment
Another big reason for women being attracted towards bad guys is that don’t want a commitment in the first place. Women can easily get away with their fear of intimacy while dating with bad guys. They know they can stay clear from it with guys who are bad. Doing so with nice guys can be a lot tougher.

Bad Guys will be Good in Bed
Well, most of the women have the viewpoint that bad guys will be good in bed while nice guys won’t. Women tend to think that bad guys have great genes and they will always be able to take the charge in bed.

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Planning to Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back?

Are you worried because you lost your girlfriend? Well, it can happen to anyone. What really needs to be looked at is the reason that out an end to the relationship. What was it that you did or didn’t do that caused that break up? If it was something you can make up for, you need to do before it’s too late. You may need to do some changes in order to get your ex-girlfriend back.

As discussed above, the very first step towards getting her back is to make amends for what you did or didn’t. If it can fix it up, you should go on and make the changes to get your ex back in your life. At the same time, it is also vital to make sure that she is actually aware of your making amendments.

This is really a common sense piece of advice, but most of the people will overlook it when they have lost a girlfriend. After you have lost your girlfriend, the best advice you can use is to make her want you back. When you see her next time, try to be sweeter and forgiving. Even if you get a chance to speak to her, speak to her as sweetly as you can.

It is important that you let her see the pleasing side of yourself again. Think about the qualities that your girlfriend like about you most. Focus on those qualities to attract her towards you. If she sees that you are really apologetic for what you did, and sees your sweet behavior, you might get your ex girlfriend back again.

When you get a chance to speak to her, give her full freedom and become an active listener. When she’s talking, don’t ever make the mistake of interrupting her. Just listen well to what she has to say. If you just try to boss her around, you might not get your girlfriend back.

If you notice some changes in your girlfriend’s behavior since the two of your broke up, you need to be even more careful. You may find her a little too soft while she talks or sees you. That means your efforts are really working and you have maximum chances of getting your ex back.

On the other hand, if you see her being offended when she talks to you or sees you, it needs more care. If she doesn’t feel comfortable talking to you, the best advice is to stay away rather than pushing yourself. Taking a break for some time may increase your chances of getting your ex-girlfriend back.

If you are planning to get your girlfriend back in your life, you need to consider each aspect that can play a vital role. Don’t try to ignore anything. Act with discretion rather than being too emotional and exacerbate the matter even more. Many times, giving herself a little break can soften things. Keep the above mentioned advice in mind and play safe if you want to get things back to normal once again.

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Top 10 Signs that Indicate She’s Flirting

Identification of a flirting behavior is important if you are planning to find your dating partner or soul mate. People use multiple types of signs to attract the opposite sex. When a guy or girl tries to flirt with you, it only conveys they are interested in you. They flirt because they want to know more about you. They may even want to fall in love with you.

But, are you ready? Well, don’t worry. Below, we have listed the top 10 signs that inform you of a girl’s or women’s flirting behavior. Men can keep these signs in mind to ensure they easily detect the signs when a woman or girl tries to flirt with them.

#1. She smiles (Be ready to return the smile too)
#2. She continues walking by (come on, she’s there for you!)
#3. She attracts your attention to her mouth (a seductive flirting behavior)
#4. She isolates herself (yes, to let you in!)
#5. She mimics your mannerisms (she is infatuated)
#6. She toys with her hair (a powerful weapon for attracting men)
#7. She tries to touch you (a clear sign she’s flirting)
#8. She makes a prolonged eye contact (the duration of the eye contact is important)
#9. She enters your personal space (a space where others are not allowed)
#10. She approaches you to talk

If you are keen on finding yourself a date or step into a relationship, it is important for you to detect the signals at the right time. By being aware of the above mentioned top 10 flirting signs you can be sure that you don’t miss out on the opportunity when it arrives. However, that doesn’t mean you just need to sit on the couch at home and keep waiting! Get out there, connect with new people and socialize. At the same time, also remember to polish your own flirting skills.

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Online Dating Rules for Women

Like men need to follow some common sense of general rules for dating success, women need to do it as well. There are some general rules meant for women while dating online. Though online dating is a lot of fun, it can also be scary if you are not equipped with some important tips. Given below are some women-specific online dating rules you can follow.

Don’t follow them via email; instead let them come to you
If anyone bothers you or irritates you, block them immediately
Instant messages with clever opening lines should not be answered
Don’t be hasty while responding to emails; take your time
Let others chase you
Don’t give out your personal phone number or email address
Practice caution to protect you against any kind of harm
Choose a log-in name which is attractive, catchy and sexy
Never decide that the other person you are talking to is sad
Replying to emails at weekends is not recommended
If you are interested in married men, make it obvious on your profile
Stay away from men who do not reply to you emails more than three days
Make sure you keep the humor element alive in the text
Chatting to hundreds of men at one go is never recommended
Present yourself as a cool and sophisticated person

Remember online dating requires you to be a careful and wise at the same time. The world of online dating also brings multiple challenges for you to face. If you keep yourself equipped with some key rules, guidelines and tips, you can be sure that you don’t fall prey to undue harms. It is also recommended for women to use an online dating website which is safe and authentic.

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List of Top 10 Honeymoon Destinations

As soon as the wedding ceremony is over, couples start thinking about where they can plan their perfect honeymoon. Couples may look forward to a 5-day trip, a week-long trip or more as per their individual tastes and requirements. Newly married couples want to plan their honeymoon at a destination which is exotic and gives them an opportunity to spend the time of their lives. Depending on your individual likes, you may like to go to beach destinations, island destinations, hilly places, theme parks etc.

If you are confused where to go to have that perfect honeymoon experience, let us suggest you the top 10 honeymoon destinations that can just take your breath away.

Acapulco, Mexico
Las Vegas, Nevada
Alberta, Canada
Orlando, Florida
Mangiss, Bali, Indonesia
Florence, Italy
St. John, US Virgin Islands
Bora Bora, French Polynesia
Palm Beach, Aruba
The Big Island, Hawaii

Whichever of the above honeymoon places you choose to go to, just remember to book your stay in a top quality hotel offering all the luxurious amenities and modern-day facilities. The choice of a perfect hotel or resort is most important if you are looking forward to making your honeymoon one of the most memorable experiences of your life.

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Top Dating Tips & Advice for Singles

There’s no magic formula to successful dating. Whether you have been dating for a few days or for a few months, there are some key tips and useful advice that you can follow to take your relationship to the next level. Everyone has their own personality types and traits. The fact is that even the very beautiful and rich people cannot call themselves dating experts. The best idea, therefore, is to seek some top advice that singles can use to boost dating relationships.

Given below are some of the most useful dating tips you can use.

Plan Ahead & Be Committed
One of the most important tips for singles is to get prepared for dating in advance. If you don’t get prepared, your chances of being rejected will be high. You won’t be able to take it even half way. Therefore, it is important that you entirely commit to dating so that you achieve success. Also think about you are expecting out of dating.

Follow a Regime to Look Your Best
Grooming yourself is essential because it boosts your confidence. Going to the gym, getting a new hair style and following a nutritious diet plan will all help you to look your best. When your confidence level is up, others too will notice that and will be attracted towards you.

Create Your Personal Brand
If you want to attract more and more dates, you really need to create your unique personal brand. Go shopping and give your wardrobe an overhaul. Get new set of clothes to spruce yourself up. Create the right image for yourself. One of the most important tips for successful dating in this regard is that you don’t pretend being someone you are not.

Be Clear About Your Expectations
While dating, singles should be very clear about what they expect out of dating. Depending on what you want out of your dating relationship, have you set a specific timeframe? When you have your expectations clear, you will act accordingly and will be headed in the right direction.

Take Time Off to Recharge Yourself
Many times, you will feel that dating is causing you fatigue. If your dating relationship is not going well, it is important that you take some time off it to boost your confidence level once again. Of course, there may be rough patches along the way. However, you should make sure that such experiences do not have an adverse effect on your personal life.

Let the Thrill of Chase Be There
Too much availability doesn’t help. While dating, singles should remember to keep that thrill of chase. Mystery and enigma are two most important elements to create excitement in your dating relationship. If the chase is longer, there are maximum chances that love will blossom.

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