Understanding a Guy’s Body Language

Are you confused deciding whether that particular guy is really interested in you or just pretending things to gain some kind of favor? Yes, it is very important to know whether the guy has really fallen for you to ensure you don’t end up making a wrong decision. There are some special body languages that come naturally while talking with genuine interest. The best idea to know the inside story is to prepare yourself to read those body languages of guys. If you gain a good understanding of these body cues, you won’t find it difficult to find out whether that guy has a genuine interest in you.

Given below are some of the most important body language signs to discover the truth about a guy’s love interest. Have a look and use them to identify signs of love when you see someone being attracted towards you.

Eye Contact
Of course, eye contact is one of the most important body signs girls can use to know what’s going on inside a guy’s head. Guys when attracted towards a girl or a woman would try to look when the other person is looking away. In the other case, the guy may also maintain the eye contact as the eyes of the two of you meet. This is a major body language sign to find out whether that man or guy really likes you. Many times, the eye contact will be accompanied by a warm enticing smile. Be prepared to notice such signs.

Another potential body language that comes naturally when a guy is interested in a girl is the smile. However, smiles can be of many types and fall into different categories. You should ensure that you don’t fall prey to deceptive smile that guys may give. A genuine smile is that which is evident even in the eyes of the guys. While talking, notice the eyes of the guys while he is laughing to understand him and read his mind.

Raised Eyebrows
If a guy raises his eyebrow when you enter the office or pass by him, it means he is really serious about you and is interested in you. This body language sign occurs naturally and tells that the guy is really surprised to see you.

The Guy Offers You His Hand
One of the biggest body language signs that tells the guy likes you and cares for you is when he offers you his hand while walking. You should immediately identify the sign and get the idea that the guy is really attracted towards you.

The Guy Fidgets with His Hands
Now what does this body language mean? Well, this clearly means that the guy is either nervous talking to you or is telling lies. Fidgeting with one’s ear or hands is a major sign to watch out for.

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